Operasi sistem yang bernama Dream Se7en 2012 SP1 ini dibuat oleh P.F.c Teams (As3aD Elbahary). Perlu Anda ketahui bahwa keistimewaan pada Windows 7 DreamSe7en 2o12 ini terletak pada Dream Scene theme yang mana anda dapat melihatnya melalui tayangan video dalam artikel ini, Sungguh suatu keindahan dalam penampilannya dan dapat memilih theme yang disediakan yang berbentuk file video wmv dan tema standar lainnya. Windows 7 DReam ini adalah ....
windows terbaik yang pernah ada selain dalam penampilannya juga stabil dalam pengoperasiannya.
Minimum System Requirements:
Processor: 2 GHz Dual Core 2.4 GHz or Athlon X2 2.7 GHz)
Memory: 2 GB
Hard Drive: 40 GB
Graphics card (AMD): 512 MB RAM (ATI Radeon 3000, 4000, 5000 or 6000 series, with ATI Radeon 3870 or higher performance)
Graphics card (NVIDIA): 512 MB RAM (NVIDIA GeForce 8, 9, 200, 300, 400 or 500 series with NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT or higher performance)
Sound card: DirectX Compatible
Windows Information:
Copy Maker: As3aD Elbahary
DreamScene fix. Exe to run Dreanscene and fix Disktop icon (silent)
DreamScene Fix en-ar.
en For English Windows - Ar For Arabic Windows
DreamSe7en.exe to run Dreamse7en And restore.
PFSCPexe To Open Solve problems Group
- Multi Desplay language Arabic - English
- Integrated Net Framework 4.0 x64 with updates
- Added new default wallpapers with the removal of the originals. Added exclusive wallpapers "HQ", "Splash",
- Tweaked logon screen (for the stability of the system not recommended to change)
- Tweaked Media Player style
- Changed default user pics
- Replaced hundreds of system resources (dialogues, pictures, icons etc)
- Drivers: not touched
- Activation: not needed. Check in Contol Panel-System after installation.
- Windows6.1-KB2506143-x64
- Windows6.1-KB2533552-x64
- Windows6.1-KB2603229-x64
- WindowsUpdateAgent30-x64
- Net Framework 4 Full x86 x64 with updates
- Flash Player x64
- DirectX-x64
- Java 7.0.2 x86 x64
- K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 8.1.0
- K-Lite Codec Pack 64-bit 5.6.0
- Runtime Pack x86 x64 (Rare VB, OpenAl etc. Runtimes)
- Game Runtimes (XNA Framework, Games for Windows Marketplace)
- Shockwave
- RealPlayer alt.
- UxThemePatcher-x64
- Visual C + + 2005, 2008, 2010 wih updates
- 7-zip
- WinRAR
- Activation
- Windows Live messenger
- Yahoo Messenger
- Internet Download Manger
- Integrated Internet Explorer 9.04 x64
- Google Chorme
- FireFox
- Dreamse7en Gadgets
- Dreamse7en Theme
- Tool To run Dreamse7en - Orignal Restore Mode
- Tool To Run DreamScene With Fix Desktop icon (Silent)
- Adobe Acrobat Reader
- Aimp2 Player
- Auto Set Windows Types
- Office 2003 ar
- Photoshop Cs4 11 me
- File Factory 2.60
- Advanced System Care 5.1 Full
- Dreamscene Backgrunds (Pictures) - (Videos)
- Dreamse7en Theme
- Dreamse7en icon
- Dreamse7en Mouse Cursors
User has access to useful "Tools" from Start Menu, to further tweak speed, look, and other hidden elements. Main folder is in c :/ / Program Files (x86) / Tools
Tools accessible from Start Menu:
- A Bootable USB
- CleanUp Prefetch and Temp
- Defrag Boot
- Delete Temp files
- Keyboard Settings
- Rebuild Icon Cache
- Registry Defrag
- Registry Backup
- Smart Services (with presets: Default, BlackViper's, Tweaked)
- Tweak Prefetch (it will give you advice on tools-configuration menu-detect)
- UnCleaner (clean temporary and prefetch files)
- User Password change
- Ultimate Windows Tweaker (be very careful if using it)
Perhatian :
Saat penginstalan jangan lupa untuk memilih bahasa Inggris
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
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